Full Name
Mr Gus Le Breton
Job Title
African Plant Hunter
Baobab Exports (Pvt) Ltd
Speaker Bio
Gus Le Breton (the African Plant Hunter) is a Zimbabwean ethnobotanist, entrepreneur and video presenter whose 30 year career has been focused on unlocking the economic potential of indigenous plants. Through his research organisation Bio-Innovation Zimbabwe, Gus and colleagues have developed commercial opportunities for rural farmers and harvesters from a range of Zimbabwean tree and plant species. His diverse business interests include companies in the food, beverage and cosmetics industries, all based around indigenous plant ingredients. Gus is also president of the African Baobab Alliance, an Africa-wide organisation representing baobab producers from across the continent. His YouTube channel African Plant Hunter is followed by plant enthusiasts from around the world.
Gus Le Breton